Learning Hub
Our Learning Hub has been developed by our clinicians to support the four pillars of optimal performance and guide participants through their own learning journey to compliment clinical coaching sessions and seminars.
Our approach is scientific as we believe that understanding our relationship with nutrition, sleep, activity and emotions are the key to making a meaningful and sustained change for our clients and their employees.
See some examples our of learning below:
Courses and lessons
Our courses are focused on the four pillars of performance: nutrition, sleep, activity and emotion and guide learners through the understanding of the science of their body to become aware of their health and performance and the building blocks that will shape and impact being at their most optimal.
Our clinicians have developed our courses to be accessible to everyone whilst providing the scientific knowledge of how our lifestyles and environments impact our health, mood and performance and, critically, what they can do to change any sub-optimal performances.
Podcasts and webinars
We are all different and how we process information differs from person to person. So, we have provided a range of media for our courses, from short reads to podcasts and webinars.
Our podcasts are recorded by our team of clinicians and discuss, in clear terms, the key elements of your performance, what barriers learners may be facing and tools to achieve optimal health and performance.
Our webinars cover discussions with our clinicians and leading experts in the field of health, nutrition and performance that provide an impactful holistic view of performance, resilience and health.
Quizzes, surveys and progression
As learners progress through the Learning Hub they will be able to review their learning through simple quizzes and surveys.
These are solely for the individual to determine their depth of understanding and allows a time of reflection on their understanding of the key information covered.
As participants progress through their learning, receive screening results or coaching sessions they will unlock content solely specific to their goals and objectives, creating a personalised journey for each individual.